
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Invented by  Caroline Ann Gordon      
To pen this form, you must use the following:        
 * Rhyme done in:        
  abcaba deed ff        
* 12 syllables per line        
* Written as follows: Sestet/ Quatrain/Couplet        
* Sestet is written followed by your Quatrain, this stanza is begun with a Volta.          
* A Volta, which in Italian means "turn".          
The turn of thought is one in a Sonnet that is often indicated by such words as: "But", "and", and "yet."          
This form is Copyrighted © 2012 Caroline Ann Gordon.        
If you pen in this form, please mention where you learned the style from.          

Example Poem

Deferred Treasure

I wandered through the deserts high and slept in caves
while searching for the Montezuma's gold that lies
in Utah hills. The Aztec fortune deemed so great
that it cannot be computed. Brought here by slaves
or Montezuma's minions, several tons of prize.
Only one man survived the rest were put in graves.
Yet, years of toil and searching yielded only grief.
The map the old guy claimed good but not exact
Has led me here and many possibles I've tracked.
I miss my love, I'm through with greed. Time's been a thief.
I'm still an able man, I'll work.  The tide has turned.
My treasure is the girl who waits.  That I have learned.

© Lawrencealot - April 7, 2012

Visual Template

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The individualtean is a form invented by chasingtheday of
In consists of 5 rhymed variable length stanzas
with the following end-rhyme pattern: abcbac def abcbac def gg
Rhyme may be perfect, slant or assonance.

Stanza 1 Consists of lines with 10/8/6/8/10/6 Syllables
Stanza 2 Consists of lines with 3/4/7 syllables
Stanza 3 Consists of lines with 10/8/6/8/10/6 Syllables
Stanza 4 Consists of lines with 3/4/7 syllables
Stanza 5 Is a couplet, each line with 10 syllables.

The form requires the ending syllable of lines 2 and 12 to rhyme with the first word of the following line.

In addition the last word of every stanza must rhyme with the first word of the following stanza.

There is NO requirement for any meter discipline.

Example Poem

Another Kiss Waitin'  (Individualtean)

Kisses tempt the strongest, noblest of men.
Indeed, all men are much moved by
Sighs, hugs, and words of care,
Still nothing lifts us quite so high--
Except knowing that kiss will come again,
Starving until it's there.

Where my dear
inside my heart
resides the dreams of your lips?

Whips  and chains encumber some  and bring pain
Although with orders I comply
I bide my time I swear
Thinking of you kisses, Oh My!
Invigorated, treat hurts with disdain.
Nothing can bring despair.

Fair one, near
Or far I start
Remembering our hist'ry.

Memory of warm lips rewarded me.
Every time my feet brought me back to thee.

 © Lawrencealot - August 13, 2012

This visual  template should help

Note: b-c in the rhyme indicator column, means that the
first word must use b-rhyme, the end-line must use c-rhyme.

Insane Cinquain

The Insane Cinquain form was invented on September 3,2012 by Amanda J. Norton aka Dark Butterfly.

Stanza 1  4/6/5/7/8
rhymed  a b c a b

Stanza 2  8/7/5/6/4
Rhymed  d e f d e
There is no meter requirement.

Display Centered.

Example Poem

Write an Insane Cinquain

Insane Cinquain
is what we're gonna write.
It's a Butterfly
invention and it's no strain.
Just count syllables get 'em right.

You need not fret with meter here
there's just a few words to rhyme.
This is such a kind
form Mark can practice here
for a good time.

© Lawrencealot - September 3, 2012

Visual Template


The Interlocke form was founded ©April 2012 by Caroline A Gordon.
* Your title must be 8 syllables in length
* 3 sestets (6 lines)
* 1 ending line
* 19 lines in all

* With the following syllable pattern: stanza 1 868868 stanza 2 and 3 are 868864

* Last line is 8 syllables in italics.

You may utilize iambic trimeter and iambic tetrameter if you so wish. 

* Your rhyme per sestet is as follows:
Stanza 1: abbabc
Stanza 2: bbcddA
Stanza 3: deedeA

Final Line: e (Italicized)

* The A represents a refrain being utilized at the end of stanzas 2 and 3.
 Your refrain is a shorter version of you first line in stanza 1. 
* Also, each line can have internal rhyme this is optional, 
and if you want to incorporate internal rhyme you don't have to have 
it on each line if you don't want to. 
MUST have end line rhyme per line, except your refrain. 
* Stanza 1 is the original on its own
* Stanza 2 begins your interlocke, locking b with stanza 1
* Stanza 3 interlockes by locking in d with stanza 2

*Your last line is a 8 syllable one in italics using e rhyme pattern.
So, in essence your last sestet could be like this deedfA e. 
*If you need to utilize fillers, that is your choice, I use them sparingly.
The Interlocke form is Copyrighted © April 2012 by Caroline A Gordon.

Example Poem

Let's Write an Interlocke Form

On this line, next; Here's a refrain.
To end stanzas two and three.
Where I placed "three" is fine you see
for common rhymes have much to gain.
That first "b" rhyme will see
five times it rhymes before we end.

You may choose rhyme in side.  You're free
To use end-rhyme only. 
And use a set meter, my friend,
or not, a gain.  You're free to choose.
This form requires no booze.
Here's a refrain.

The next line rhymes much.  You can't lose. 
Remember closing line. 
This is Interlocke-- note entwine.
Do it well and you shall bemuse. 
With discipline divine.
Here's a refrain.

Another  form we do define.

Visual Template


This is a form invented by Mark Andrew J Terry
These are the requirements of this form:
Rhyme Pattern: aabb 
Meter: None specified.
Couplet One:
Every word in the first line should rhyme with the corresponding word in line 2
Except for one word; those words must have contrary meanings, but same syllable count.

It can be expanded as far as you wish.
These are the requirements for a Sestet:
Rhyme Pattern: aabbcc

Meter: None specified.
Couplet One and Two:
Every word in the first line should rhyme with the corresponding word in line 2
Except for one word; those words must have contrary meanings, but same syllable count
Couplet Three:
Ends with mirrored rhyme, but also has internal rhyme

Example Poem

Party Time

Alluring tart proffering wile.
Demurring lass deferring guile.

Bewitching twit assures relief.
Enriching wit insures belief.

No way to stay the party game.
I'll try to buy the hearty dame.

© Lawrencealot - May 27, 2012

Visual Template

Italian Sestet

Italian Sestet
The original version of the Italian Sestet had no set meter, 
but after it was introduced into England by Spenser, 
eventually the poets there began to use iambic tetrameter 
or pentameter. The rhyme pattern example is as follows (Using iambic tetrameter)

x x x x x x x a
x x x x x x x b
x x x x x x x c
x x x x x x x a
x x x x x x x b
x x x x x x x c

Example Poem

Let's Write an Italian Sestet

An Italian Sestet we're to write. 
da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM. 
Use Tetrameter- (four fine feet). 
Delay the rhyme that makes it right. 
There're only two more rhymes to come 
then we are done.  Now ain't that sweet? 

© Lawrencealot - July 25, 2012

Visual Template


Jram form Invented by LilacThOughts of

5 quatrain stanzas
10 syllables to each line
Rhyme scheme: aabb bbcc bbdd aadd aaff
The last line of 1st stanza becomes 1st line of second stanza
3rd line of 1st stanza becomes 1st line of 3rd stanza
2nd line of 1st stanza becomes 1st line of 4th stanza
1st line of 1st stanza become 1st line of 5th stanza

There are no metric requirements, but any may be used
by the poet, Iambic Pentameter works well

This form may also be used with tetrameter
as a poetic option.

Example Poem

Poets' Love

Our poems relieved a certain unrest.
We drove each other to produce our best.
Though verse we lived where neither still could go.
Within our verses we did make it so.

Within our verses we did make it so.
We'd sail on yachts and sip of fine Bordeaux.
Tall peaks were climbed and pleasant valleys crossed.
We found adventure, and our fears were lost.

Though verse we lived where neither still could go.
We crossed desserts and mountains capped with snow.
Ignoring barriers thwarting us in life,
By-passed, surmounted without any strife.

We drove each other to produce our best.
We strolled thru poem forms as though possessed.
We thought a lot alike and loved to share.
I felt alone at times she wasn't there.

Our poems relieved a certain unrest.
We soothed each other during times of stress.
When things became too much for her to bear.
I only hoped it mattered I was there.

© Lawrencealot - September 15, 2013

Visual Template

Monday, February 25, 2013

Jumping Rhyme

This form was invented by Amanda J. Norton

Monorhyme quintet with line length growing from 6 to ten syllables
Interlaced rhyme required for every line, starts with word two of line 1
then "jumps" up a word each line until the last,
where it jumps back one word.
Obviously the poet must not use large multisyllabic words that make this impossible

Line length is based on syllables, rhyme pattern is based on words - take care

Example Poem

Lets Dance   (Jumping Rhyme)

I propose that we dance
if your toes dare take a chance.
God only knows I cannot prance
and whirl like the pros, but there's a chance
the closeness could dispose you to romance.

© Lawrencealot - December 9, 2012

Both Interlaced and end-rhyme are monorhyme
I think the following visual template will clarify:
Note: you cannot chart the interlaced rhyme in advance, as it is dependent upon the word size


Kwansaba is an African American verse form of praise. The Kwansaba, (swahili kwan - first fruit / saba -principle) was created in 1995 by Eugene B Redmond, East St. Louis Poet Laureate and professor of English at Southern Illinois University-East St. Louis. The form was developed in honor of the celebration of Kwanzaa . The poetic form adopts the number 7 from Kwanzaa's Nguzo Saba (7 principles) as well as embraces its roots in the South African tradition of thePraise Poem. 

Kwanzaa is a 7 day celebration of the African-American family encompassing African-American heritage, culture and principles. The celebration was introduced by Dr. Maulana Karenga, African-American educator, following the Watts riots of 1966 with the intent of bringing the African American community together.Kwansaba, the birth of a poetry form The 7 principles of Kwanzaa are unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Each day of the celebration focuses on one of the principles.

The Kwansaba is:
a celebration of family and African-American culture, a praise poem.
a septastich, a poem in 7 lines.
measured by 7 words in each line.
written with no word exceeding 7 letters.

The description above was pasted and copied from
with some slight editing.

Example Poem

Flashmob Christmas

Almost always tears trend down my face
after joyous smiles from ear to ear.
Seeing smiles erupt across the entire crowd
after pause of waiting wonder, knowing now
this gift is given- it's for all.
Folks see shyness put aside for them,
to be caroled with season's joyful songs.

© Lawrencealot - December 13, 2013


A Kyrielle is a French form of rhyming poetry written in quatrains (a stanza consisting of 4 lines),      
 and each quatrain contains a repeating line or phrase as a refrain. Each line within the poem  consists of only eight syllables. There is no limit to the amount of stanzas a Kyrielle may have, but three is considered the accepted minimum.       
Some popular rhyming schemes for a Kyrielle are: aabB, ccbB, ddbB,       
with B being the repeated line, or abaB, cbcB, dbdB.

Example Poem

Til the Earless Bunny

Til was a bunny born earless
but that mattered not, still fearless
he played in the hay, and  was  spry.
Sometimes things happen- we wonder why.
Genetic change, says Darwin cause
species to  evolve, now just pause
and consider, penquins can't fly.
Sometimes things happen- we wonder why.
With ears Til might have heard the threat,
Of near by feet and be here yet
Til lived until he was to die.
Sometimes things happen- we wonder why.

Author Note:
The fate of 17-day-old Til, a bunny with a genetic defect,       
was plastered across German newspapers on Thursday,      
the same day a small zoo in Saxony was to have presented him       
to the world at a press conference.      
The cameraman told Bild newspaper he hadn't seen Til,       
who had buried himself in hay, when he took the fateful      
step backward Wednesday.

© Lawrencealot - April 8, 2012

Visual Template


This is a form created by Larry Eberhart,  aka Lawrencealot on Allpoetry
It is similar to the Monometic form but with the additional constraint of
line-length in feet being required to match the stanza line count.

The form may be written in three modes:
First as an Augmented Ripple, were the first stanza is two lines, with each additional stanza adding one line.
Next, as a Dimishished Ripple where the first stanza contains the maximum number of lines, with each following stanza having one less, until the two line stanza concludes.

Finally the Reversing Rippled which  can begin as either of the above, and then upon reaching its normal conclusion point reverse the process until it concludes with a stanza the length of the beginning stanza.  The turning stanza is not repeated.

All stanzas are mono-rhyme, or all are blank verse.

Example Poem

[Is Coco Nuts?]    (Ripple-Reversing)

Is Coco nuts
or just a klutz?

She's always out of breath.
All things are life or death.
I think she's hooked on meth.

She writes graffiti on the wall
and runs half-naked through the hall
but she's so nice to one and all
so every night a boy will call.

Each guy gets just one turn
no matter how they yearn.
Her own desire's to learn.

I would replay
my single day.

© Lawrencealot - February 16, 2013

Visual Template

Sunday, February 24, 2013


The La’Tuin, a poetic form created by Laura Lamarca, consists of 4-line stanzas with an 'abca, abca' rhyme scheme that is consistent throughout each stanza. Stanzas 2, 3 etc. must all follow the same rhyme sounds as the first stanza. With the first stanza being repeated again at the end of the piece. It contains a minimum of 4 stanzas, with no maximum length limit.

A strict syllable count of 9/8/9/8 is required per stanza.

In-Depth Explanation of rhyme:

Lines 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 etc., all rhyme - this is the 'A' rhyme.
Lines 2, 6, 10, 14 etc, all rhyme - this is the 'B' rhyme.
Lines 3, 7, 11, 15 etc, all rhyme - this is the 'C' rhyme.
The La'Tuin is named after A'Tuin, a giant turtle from the Diskworld series. A turtle is a symbol of Mother Earth. La is Laura Lamarca's signature.

Example Poem

Many Ladies-in-Waiting   (La' Tuin)

While wives of King Henry were waiting
Their turn to be axed or booted,
they had to abhor his penchant for
extracurricular mating.
Except for queen Kath'rine, the grating
was less, their auditions suited,
the king's volition.  He wanted, more
of those young ladies-in-waiting.
Kath'rine loved Henry, while awaiting
her end, yet strongly refuted,
his demands.  I'm the queen, evermore!
...That seems as history's weighting.
While wives of King Henry were waiting
Their turn to be axed or booted,
they had to abhor his penchant for
extracurricular mating.

© Lawrencealot - April 9, 2012

Visual Template

La'Tuin LaFemme

This form created by Lawrence Eberhart, aka Lawrencelot  
It is an altered version of the La'Tuin form to facilitate feminine rhyming.           
The La’Tuin, a poetic form created by Laura Lamarca,        
The La'Tuin is named after A'Tuin, a giant turtle from the        
Diskworld series. A turtle is a symbol of Mother Earth.         
La is Laura Lamarca's signature.        
It contains a minimum of 4 stanzas, with no maximum length limit.                       
A strict syllable count of 9/8/9/8 is required per stanza.                 

It has abac rhyme consitent through-out the stanza.                
Lines 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 etc., all rhyme - this is the 'A' rhyme.                 
Lines 2, 6, 10, 14 etc, all rhyme - this is the 'B' rhyme.                 
Lines 3, 7, 11, 15 etc, all rhyme - this is the 'C' rhyme.                
Therein lies it's structural weakness. By requiring that the  9 syllable lines rhyme with 8 syllable lines,  if the poet choose iambic (or trochaic) meter it disallows a more natural and pleasing feminine rhyme.        
The improved rhyming scheme of the QuatrainLaFemme is:        
A B A2 C   abac  abac  …  AB A2 B C  

Example Poem

More Ladies-in-Waiting

The wives of Henry were all waiting
Their turn to be axed or booted 
while extracurricular mating
was Henry's favored night-time sport. 
Except for queen Kath'rine, the grating
was less ironically suited, 
for the others all been creating
their turns by schemings at the court.. 
Kath'rine loved Henry, while awaiting
her end, but strongly refuted, 
his claims, yet without denigrating
him.  Majestic was her support.. 
The wives of Henry were all waiting
Their turn to be axed or booted 
while extracurricular mating
was Henry's favored night-time sport. 

(c) Lawrencealot - April 9, 2012

Visual Template


The Lanturne is a five-line verse shaped like a Japanese
lantern with a syllabic pattern of
 one, two, three, four, one.

Must be Centered

Example Poem

Some Laturnes

Two, Three
Look at me.
What do you see?

Summons some
Nighttime flying

lasses love
lecherous lads'

husband who
is most happy

© Lawrencealot - April, 2012


A poetic form created by Laura Lamarca,
The Lauranelle - is a hybrid (variation) of both the Villanelle and the Terzanelle forms.

 It consists of 6 tercets and 1 quatrain
ending with a refrain made up of lines 1 and 3.

 Lines MUST be 10 syllables in length and also MUST be in iambic pentameter.

Rhyme scheme is as follows:

A1bA2 bcb cdc ded efe fbf ggA1A2

Poems can either be formatted in stanzas or as a whole piece without line-spacing.

Example Poem

A Little Uncertainty Goes a Long Way (Lauranelle)

When we without a doubt accept as real
what we are told is settled fact about
most anything- we are enchained by zeal.

When pulpiteer delivers truth with clout
conditions favor comfort if you choose
a certain truth you need not think about.

Illusions pleasant though they be to use
as guideposts do not come without their cost.
Bestowed, our reason seems not just to lose.

No fact of science has proved settled long,
religion not at all.  That we don't know
conditions maybe right- but maybe wrong

do not excuse intransigence in thought.
Mere beliefs deemed a truth worthy of war.
Absurd!  Is bellicosity now sought?

One outcome zeal promotes is hate.  The door
to human peace is open if all shout,
"Wait-- I may be wrong Let us think some more."

What one thinks is so simply may not be.
We may kill men for an absurdity.
When we without a doubt accept as real
most anything- we are enchained by zeal.

(c) Lawrencealot - June 27, 2012

Visual Template

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Le Jeune

The Le Jeune Form:

Invented by Barb_Brown
Three to five  six line stanzas, where each line has 5 syllables
Each stanza is 6 lines
All lines are 5 syllables
Internal mono-rhyme at syllable 2 in lines 2 and 4
The Final word in each stanza is the same word, and must rhyme with the other mono-end-rhymes.
No meter required.

-  Three to five stanzas
-  Each stanza is 6 lines
-  All lines are 5 syllables
Rhyme notes with parenthetic words from example:
1.  L2 and L4, W2 (a) in all stanzas rhymes (seen, mean, deem, etc.)
2.  L2 and L4, last word (b) in all stanzas rhymes (dismay, displays, gray, etc.).
3.  L6, W3 (c) in all stanzas rhymes (ease, please, seize)
4.  L6, last word (d) in all stanzas is the same word and must rhyme with #2 above. (day)

This example should help clarify:

Of hope comes much risk,
as seen in dismay.
Are you filled with shock,
so mean, these displays?
Gather all your wits
then to ease the day.

Of being human,
what deem you of gray?
Have you had thoughts of
odd schemes meant to stray?
Waste not a moment
then to please the day.

Of the dark of night,
in dreams do you stay?
Hide not in fear there,
nor demean your ways.
Draw on courage now,
then to seize the day!

by Barb Brown

Visual Template


A poetic form created by Lencio Dominic Rodrigues, the Lento is named after it's creator, taken from his first name Lencio and rhymed to Cento, an existing form of poetry.

A Lento consists of two quatrains with a fixed rhyme scheme of abcb, defe as the second and forth lines of each stanza must rhyme.  To take it a step further, but not required, try rhyming the first and third lines as well as the second and forth lines of each stanza in this rhyming pattern: abab, cdcd.

The fun part of this poem is thrown in here as all the FIRST words of each verse should rhyme. There is no fixed syllable structure to the Lento, but keeping a good, flowing rhythm is recommended.

For an added challenge, one may write a four-verse Lento and call it a Double Lento, or a six-versed Lento to become a Triple Lento.

Below is an example of a Lento:

Composed in winter of Two Thousand Five, (a)
Proposed by my dreams, this entire theme, (b)
Exposed now for all to write and have fun, (c)
Supposed to be easy though it doesn't seem. (b)

Two verses of four lines each you will write, (d)
Do rhyme the beginning word in every line, (e)
Pursue to keep last rhymes in line 2 and 4, (f)
Chew your brain a little, you'll do just fine! (e)

Example by Lawrencealot

Write a Lento

Designed in Two Thousand twelve with you in mind.
Refined to rhyme lines one and three (not required).
Aligned (also not required) but more refined,
Opined this poet.  Done because I so desired.

Write two verses of four lines each.  Be astute
right off the bat, rhyme lines two and four. They are
quite necessary, that one cannot refute.
Bright planning for first word rhyme will get you far.

© Lawrencealot - April 18, 2012

Visual Template


A limerick (is):
  1. is five lines long,
  2. is based on the rhythm "da-da-DAH" (anapest meter)
  3. has two different rhymes.
  4. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have three of those da-da-DAH "feet," and rhyme with each other.
  5. Lines 3 and 4 have two, and rhyme with each other.
So the basic form is:
da da DAH / da da DAH / da da BING 
da da DAH / da da DAH / da da DING 
da da DAH / da da BAM 
da da DAH / da da WHAM 
da da DAH / da da DAH / da da PING 
Limericks can:
  1. drop the first "da" in a line, changing that foot to da-DAH (iamb).
  2. add an extra "da" or two at the end of a line IF it's used for an extended rhyme, such as people and steeple or cannibal and Hannibal.
  3. use special fonts or characters to make a point,

A Limerick is a rhymed humorous or nonsense poem of five lines which originated in Limerick, Ireland.   
The Limerick has a set rhyme scheme of : a-a-b-b-a with a syllable structure of: 9-9-6-6-9

Limericks can also be written in AMPHIBRACH meter/

- two lines of amphibrachic trimeter, two lines of amphibrachic dimeter,
and a final line of amphibrachic trimeter.

Below my visual template shows two perfectly acceptable Limerick Forms.

Example Poem

Dancing with the Stars   (limericks)

There once was a hippo that  danced 
for a troupe that was poorly financed 
but when word got around 
what a treasure'd been found 
the promoters good fortunes advanced. 

So she hired a bear that could skate 
and folks made long queues at the gate
for in love were the stars 
both as big as small cars 
and the rumor was spread that they'd mate. 

Well the owner would not much like that, 
so she brought in a bull from North Platte 
that could juggle and dance 
just to counter the chance 
the hippo might later get fat.

© Lawrencealot - November 17, 2012

Visual Templates
Anapest version

Amphibrach Version

Loose Sapphic

There are variations of the Sapphic Stanza and I have chosen the Loose Sapphic form created by Marie Marshall. The form is composed over four lines, the first three being hendecasyllabic and the fourth being pentasyllabic.

The focus is on syllabic meter rather than accentual giving the poet more room to explore poetical device and grammatical schema within the verse structure. From the creator's own examples I have found the poems to be more vibrant and dramatic than their strictly metric counterparts.

Using 'X' to represent each syllable the schema of the Loose Sapphic form can be shown as thus:


Example Poem

Lady Bird Adrift

My intent to fly by-and-by was boosted.
I'm content to flutter by the butterfly
effect.  Some butterfly in Balboa flapped
boldly days ago.

A seagull here an eagle there added puffs
against the calm.  A heated hillside thermal
energy aggregated puff-puff forces-
calm contingencies.

I'll leave Louise and Lester nibbling aphid
nosh, and catch this seed in transit through garden's
wide expanse.  I may deplane any time or
merely take a chance.

I'm smarter than your average bug because a
beetle, not a bug be I.  This subterfuge
could save my life-- wasps find me tasty and look
to see just me fly. 

© Lawrencealot - June 26, 2012

Luc Bat

The luc bat is a Vietnamese form of poetry.
It means simply "six eight" due to its pattern of syllables per line: 6,8,6,8,6,8, etc. There is no set length to the luc bat, so it can be as long or as short as you'd like.

But what really makes this form interesting is the rhyming structure, which sounds a little complicated but is easy to grasp in practice.

The sixth syllable of every eight-syllable line rhymes with the last syllable of the six-syllable line before it, which in turn rhymes with the eighth syllable of the eight-syllable line before it. When the end of the poem is reached, the last line jumps back and rhymes with the first. In other words, the syllables go like this:

* * * * * a
* * * * * a * b
* * * * * b
* * * * * b * c
* * * * * c
* * * * * c * d
* * * * * d
* * * * * d * a
...although of course the poem can be as long as you wish.
Remember that it is always the final line of the poem which
ends in the "a" rhyme, linking it back to the beginning

Example Poem

Farewell Denied

The ship I sailed and sank
those final years, was dank by then.
I tried to save her when
all hope seemed lost.  My men put out
in boats, and with a shout
"Farewell", I set about to save
that ship in a nearby cave.

I was not really brave; just done.
I thought it might be one
small chance for grounding run in firth.
Slight chance to find some berth
I tried for what it's worth, but failed.

Thru all the years I sailed,
and all the sirens hailed with cheer
I never thought I hear
one close until my dear, you found
me sinking soon to drown.
"I'd love for you to down here stay
and with this sprite now play,
but death to you that way I'll stop."
You brought me to the top.

A mortal life you swap to free
a mortal from the sea
although you wanted me to stay
I clung to life that day,
but thoughts of you held sway since then.
I'll leave the world of men
and dive in where back then, I sank.

© Lawrencealot - August, 2012

Author just noted on review that this poem does
not comply to specifications and will be re-rewritten.

Visual Template


This form is Copyrighted © 2012 Amanda J. Norton.
17 lines All together
2 octave stanzas followed by a single line
12 syllables each line
abababab cdcdcdcd d rhyme scheme
then a final 5 word line must be in italics  12 syllables
and your final line rhymes with d of the second stanza..
Your title Must be an 5 syllable title.

Example Poem

Together Again

You came seeking solace as darkness chased the day
Over the mountain; too long we have been apart.
You cling to me, the way you did before, the way
that alleviates despair - banishes from heart
those thoughts of worthlessness, abandonment, dismay.
Succor I find as much as give, for you restart
the engine of my soul. Frightened by our foray
in to the forbidden, we both tried to depart.
Resolve and prayerful dedication to all
except each other, each taking all of the blame,
has left an  emptiness, just leaving me a thrall
to conformity. I need you and feel no shame.
The sensual delight of your smoothness does enthrall.
Your arms on me, once more bring peace, and bring the same
tranquility we shared before; no withdrawal
shall encroach again. We are found - have won life's game.
Passionate reciprocity sets life aflame.

Visual Template

Margerinesoar Noir

Margerinesoar Noir  ( Dark winged beauty)
form was created by Amanda J. Norton on June 2, 2012..

All lines are 10 syllables.
All end-rhyme is mono-rhyme.
Interlaced separate mono-rhyme occurs on syllable 5 of each line.

The poem consists of two tercets, each followed by a couplet,
then a concluding quatrain.

The first line of the poem, is also the first line of the first couplet.

Finally, the 2nd line of the poem becomes the first line of the quatrain,
and the 2nd line of the first couplet becomes the
2nd line of the quatrain.

Example Poem

Use a New Form (Margerinesoar Noir)

Let us not abuse a form of our own.
A poet pursues truth with words on loan.
It should not confuse, lest poets disown.

Let us not abuse a form of our own.
Make pattern amuse, and not make folks groan.

Write of lover's coos, or of Fred Flintstone,
or paying our dues for chances we've blown,
of evil in pews, or wild oats we've sown.

Whatever your muse drops into your zone--
Remember to choose your own words alone.

A poet pursues truth with words on loan.
Make pattern amuse, and not make folks groan.
If words can bemuse then we'll not bemoan
the efforts we use to make it our own.

Visual Template


A McWhirtle is a light verse form similar to a double dactyl, invented in 1989 by American poet Bruce Newling. McWhirtles share essentially the same form as double dactyls, but without the strict requirements, making them easier to write. Specifically:
• McWhirtles do not require a nonsense phrase (e.g., "Higgledy piggledy") on the first line.
• There is no requirement for a double-dactylic word in the second stanza.
• There is an extra unstressed syllable added to the beginning of the first line of each stanza.
• Although the meter is the same as in a double-dactyl, syllables may move from the end of one line to the beginning of the next for readability.
The looser form allows poets additional freedom to include additional rhymes and other stylistic devices.
The form is named after the fictional protagonist in an early example by Newling, included with his original written description of the form, dated August 12, 1989; but his first McWhirtle, in which his friend "Skip" Ungar is the protagonist and which also appeared with his original description, was:
The Piano Player
I read in the papers
That Harry F. Ungar
Performs in a night spot
Near soigne Scotch Plains,
Caressing the keyboard
While affluent yuppies
Are eating and drinking
Their capital gains.
The first published description of the McWhirtle, with examples, was in E.O. Parrott, ed., How to Be Well-Versed in Poetry, London: Viking, 1990, pp. 197-200; and the verse form was also described in Anne H. Soukhanov, Word Watch - The Stories Behind the Words of Our Lives, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1995, pp. 388-89.
An example by American poet Kenn Nesbitt:
Fernando the Fearless
We're truly in awe of
Fernando the Fearless
who needed no net
for the flying trapeze.
Alas, what a shame
it's surprisingly difficult
catching a bar
in the midst of a sneeze.

Pasted from <>

Visual Example

Note: only the 4th and 8th line rhyme are required.


This is a form invented by a poet who writes as  chasingtheday on
It is 15 syllables per line and at the beginning of every new line                      
you rhyme with the last word of the previous line.                                      
The first verse is 7 lines,                      
the second verse is 6 lines                      
and third verse is 5 lines.                      
The rhyme for the whole poem is end line rhyme -                      
Rhyme may be perfect rhyme, slant rhyme, or assonance rhyme, or sight rhyme                      
Each new line beginning must be the same rhyme as the              
end line rhyme of the line before it.
The following template may help.  Interpret the rhyme column (a)b as meaning the
first word uses the a-rhyme, the end-word uses the b-rhyme.

Example Poem

Calls for Careful Constant Cogitation   (Melodic)

This form requires lines fifteen syllables long, an internal
Infernal rhyme that's tough, because adjoining words must rhyme, hence
sense must accrue quickly to pairs that seem spaced so far apart.
Start with a new sentence when you need a break,  an external
nocturnal stimulant, like caffeine or nicotine dispensed
condensed into a pot or a pack may elevate your heart
chart and move your muse.  Or kill you like sex, food, or exercise.

Surprise surreptitiously surfaces when stringing sev'ral
caesural sounds sequentially but may lend a lift and lilt.
Tilt your lance and charge capriciously calling for less control.
Enroll enchanting images of white winged fairies with all
enthralled by fluttering and dancing as if on flower quilt.
Stilt your language if antiquities you're planning to enroll.

Droll wit can be levered when you have so many words, but wit
lit out from me this week.  I hoped muse and I could together
gather something credible, (not aiming for incredible)--
bull can only be shoveled just so deep.  But muse chose to sit
it out, and left me all alone.  Thus this time will be no hit.

Visual Template

Friday, February 22, 2013


The Minute Poem is a 60 syllable verse form, one syllable for each second in a minute. The theme should be an event that is over and done completely, as in a minute. Since the dominant line is short the effect is likely humorous, whimsical or semi-serious. It was created by Verna Lee Hinegardner, once poet laureate of Arkansas.

It is written as three stanza with syllables of 8/4/4/4
The rhyme pattern is aabb ccdd eeff
It is written in strict iambic meter.

Example Poem

Wrong Room

My thought,  my dear,  was that tonight
I'd do it right.
No more wham bam,
Then kiss and scram.

I slid real close, and  loved the fit,
hand on your tit.
It was a dream
until the scream.

Your mom  fled from the rented room.
Impending doom.
I'd be in it
In a minute.

(c) Lawrencealot - February 9, 2012

Visual Template


Oddquain: Created by Glenda L. Hand.
Usually unrhymed.    
17 syllables in five lines. Syllable Count: 1-3-5-7-1

Oddquain sequences:   poems made up of Oddquain stanzas.

Crown Oddquains: a five stanza Oddquain sequence

Reverse Oddquains: Reverse syllable patter 1-7-5-3-1

Mirror Oddquains: two stanzas: 1-3-5-7-1     1-7-5-3-1

Oddquain Butterflies: a merged mirror pattern.
Two Oddquains merge but use only one 
of the 1 syllables in the joining. 

Example Poem

Morning Ritual  (Mirror Oddquain)

pour a cup
black steaming coffee
sugar provides food value

and butter fill the English
muffin crevices
then my mouth,

© Lawrencealot - April 9, 2012