
Monday, March 11, 2013


This form is a Cyclone invented by Sector-Hunter

*A cyclone is a poem that wraps around to form a loop it is made of 10 stanzas where the last 3 say what the first 3 said*

*1. The first three stanzas are in lines of 4 with a syllable count of 4,5,6,7*

*2. The next 4 stanzas are in lines of 5 with a count of 4,5,6,7,8 and lead up to the last three stanzas with a word or the whole line that will flow into the last 3 and cause the poem to loop *

*3. The last 3 stanzas are also in lines of 4 and the same count as the first 3 and they have to say the same thing as the first three stanzas*

There is no meter requirement;  the illustrated poems shows the sample rhyme pattern,
But the author states that no rhyme would be ok.

Example Poem

Write a Cyclone

Write a cyclone.
It's not tough to do.
Count syllables alone.
Just make sure your count is true.

Use couplet rhyme
masculine or not.
No rhyme at any time
Is okay, so take a shot.

Inventor says
no meter required
so without rhyme this lays
pretty barren, uninspired.

Right here we change
from quatrain stanzas
to quintets giving range
for more verbal bonanzas.
Pen something serious or strange.

Since we are free
for practically all
lengths of words can now be
combined somewhere; have a ball!
Use complicated words with glee.

It's fun to slip
into playful mode.
Like hearing water drip.
Dripping splish, splash the whole load-
let onomatopoeia rip.

I've had some fun,
joshed and played around.
End with what has begun
That makes the poem fly I've found.
So when I pen this line, I'm done.

Write a cyclone.
It's not tough to do.
Count syllables alone.
Just make sure your count is true.

Use couplet rhyme
masculine or not.
No rhyme at any time
Is okay, so take a shot.

Inventor says
no meter required
so without rhyme this lays
pretty barren, uninspired.

© Lawrencealot - July 12, 2012

Visual Template

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