
Monday, March 31, 2014


  • The Marianne is a verse form that is written with a combination rhyme and syllable count. It was created by Viola Berg . The lines should be centered on the page.

    The Marianne is:
    • a pentastich, a poem in 5 lines.
    • syllabic, 4-6-8-4-2 syllables per line.
    • rhymed, axaxa x being unrhymed.
    • titled and centered on the page.

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Example

A Centered Pentastitch (Marianne)

I don't know why
Viola invented
this form. There's not much to apply.
But, being me,
I'll try.

© Lawrencealot - March 31, 2014


  • The Lyrette is a syllabic invented verse form created by Dr. Israel Newman.

    The Lyrette is:
    • a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines.
    • syllabic, 2-3-4-5-4-3-2 syllables per line.
    • unrhymed.
    • each line should end with strong word.

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

The Kerf

• The Kerf is a verse form in tercets and is attributed to Marie Adams.

The Kerf is:
○ a poem in 12 lines made up of 4 tercets.
○ syllabic, 6-7-10 per line.
○ rhymed, rhyme scheme abc abc dec dec.

Pasted from

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Example Poem

If She Says "What ?" (The Kerf)

You could be wrong, you know,
and perhaps you could be right,
and either way it seldom matters much.
You never need to show
your correctness out of spite.
Conceding may help keep you out of dutch.
If your wife should say "What",
when your statement's barely out,
it's possible, you're somehow out of touch.
Try this to save your butt!
"That's Fred's thinking- I'm in doubt.
I wonder darlin', what you think of such?"

© Lawrencealot - March 28, 2014

Visual Template

Friday, March 28, 2014

Streambed Quintet

This is a form created by Streambed of Allpoetry.

It is Stanzaic, consisting of two or more quintets.
Each stanza is syllabic 7/4/5/3/5
Rhyme pattern: aabba

Example Poem

Advice to a Freshman     (Streambed Quintet)

If you come upon a maid
who's unafraid
and has a yearning
for learning,
please don't act too staid.

If perfume arouses you,
and bodice view
portends a measure
of pleasure
it just could be true.

If she pulls you close to kiss
don't be remiss,
she's not awaiting
dull dating,
act, don't reminisce.

© Lawrencealot - March 28, 2014

Visual Template

Saturday, March 22, 2014


  • Duodora is a quatorzain that doesn't claim to be a sonnet. Written in 2 septets, L1 of the first septet is repeated as L1 of the 2nd septet. The form was created by Dora Tompkins who was an editor of the Nutmegger, a poetry magazine published in Connecticut.

    The Duodora is:
    • quatorzain made up of 2 septets.
    • syllabic, 4-6-5-5-5-10-10 / 4-6-5-5-5-10-10 syllables per line.
    • rhymed Axxxxxb Axxxxxb L1 is repeated as a refrain that begins the 2nd stanza. x is unrhymed.

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My example poem

The Sailor and the Rose - 1980        (Duodora)

A round platform
occupied the center
of two acres of
polished hard wood floor.
As a young sailor
from a small town, I was already awed
by the hundreds of couples I suppose.

A round platform
became a stage for a
volunteer to sing
one song with the band.
I was never close
enough to see her. But we stopped dancing
and some (like me) cried as she sang "The Rose."

© Lawrencealot - March 22, 2014

Visual Template

The Donna

  • The Donna is a syllabic Limerick, without requiring the anapestic rhythm. Created by Viola Berg, the verse should be witty and fun.

    The Donna is:
    • stanzaic, written in any number of quintains.
    • syllabic, lines of 8-6-4-4-6.
    • rhyme xabba, xcddc etc.

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Example Poem

Out at Second Base     (The Donna)

I couldn't undo her brassier,
and dammit how I tried,
for big boobs need,
they do indeed,
a strap that's pretty wide.

Exasperated, the girl said,
"Let's kiss and kiss some more."
I missed her flesh
but our lips meshed
until my lips were sore.

© Lawrencealot - March 22, 2014

Visual Template

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


  • Cromorna is a verse form that has compact lines and exacting meter and rhyme developed by Viola Berg.

    The Cromorna is:
    • stanzaic, written in 3 quatrains.
    • syllabic, with 5-3-5-3 5-3-5-3 5-3-5-3 syllables per line.
    • rhymed, rhyme scheme abab cbcb dbdb.


My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My example Poem

Diverse     (Cromorna)

An electric arc
could have been
the requisite spark
way back when.

And that ignition
led to men
and our condition,
now and then.

If so, I suppose
we must yen
for each one of those
who our ken.

© Lawrencealot - March 18, 2014

Visual Template


  • Cadence, created by Ella Cunningham, is a verse form which appears to be exercises in rhythm and possibly to show the value of often overlooked parts of speech, articles and prepositions. It is similar to the Cameo found at Poetry Base.

    The Cadence is:
    • a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines.
    • syllabic, the Cadence written with 1-2-3-4-4-8-5 syllables per line.
    • unrhymed, but end words should be strong, no articles or prepositions.

    • 127 Hours by Judi Van Gorder
      time running out.
      Only option,
      amputate trapped arm, flying solo.
      Fortitude, freedom.


My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Example Poem

Dribble    (Cadence)

and rises
to top of glass,
then overflows
to prove the barkeep gave you yours,
Now you'll smell like brew.

© Lawrencealot - March 15, 2014

Sonnetina Rispetto

Sonnetina Rispetto
The "Sonnetina Rispetto" is a new poetry form 
created by Dorian Petersen Potter 
on September 8,2009
This form has 14 lines with 8 syllables each. 
It can be written in 3 quatrain stanzas and a couplet or 
with an Octave(8) and a Sestet(6) lines. 
The rhyme scheme is as follows: A1,A2,B1,c,c,B2,A1,A2,d,d,B1,B2,A1,A2. 
The capitals A1,A2,B1 and B2...stands for the refrain lines in the poem.

Specifications restated:
Stanzaic:  Either 4 quatrains and a couplet or a sestet and an octaveI
Isosyllabic:  Eight syllable per line
Repetitive: requires two refrain lines, each repeated twice.
Rhyme pattern: A1,A2,B1,c,c,B2,A1,A2,d,d,B1,B2,A1,A2.

My example poem

My Reservoir Is Now Pints Shy     (Sonnetia Rispetto)

A challenge once was put to me
to drink six beers and not to pee.
When young I won that careless bet
Six bottles I would quickly scarf,
then merely belch and never barf,
but how I did it I forget.

A challenge once was put to me
to drink six beers and not to pee.
My bladder then could wait and wait
and bow not to an old prostate.
When young I won that careless bet
but how I did it I forget.
A challenge once was put to me
to drink six beers and not to pee.

© Lawrencealot - March 18, 2014

Visual Template

Saturday, March 15, 2014


This form started as a nonce form written by
Michael Fantina, aka Eusebius of Alllpoetry for his poem

Michael is much too busy writing beautiful and entertaining poetry to be bothered with the practice of giving names to forms which he writes on the fly, often consciously or subconsciously influenced by Algernon Swinburne, from whom he thinks he might have borrowed this pattern.  Definitely he was influenced to occasionally merge two un-stressed syllables, or to add an occasional syllable deviating from a strict syllabic or accentual pattern where his creativity and mind's ears says that it works.

Neither was Swinburne the only great to invoke this technique.  In fact is it is hard to find truly creative and expressive poets where this technique has not sometime found deployment.

I have been just learning to conform to form and pattern, and like anyone just learning, have always felt safer abiding strictly to the defined pattern of a form.

I define and name each new form that I see (and/or like in any manner at all) so that we may speak of it by name and all be speaking of the same animal when we give it a try.

My specifications:
This is a stanzaic poem, consisting of one or more sestets.
It is syllabic, each stanza being 10/10/6/5 syllables.
Rhymes: aabcbc, where the b-rhymes are feminine.
Metered subject to the following pattern:

DUM da da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
DUM da da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da
da DUM da da DUM

Note: if  you write this same form beginning each of the long lines with a Spondee as did Gary Kent Spain, writing as venicebard on Allpoetry, you will have written a Spondiddle.

Original poem Magics by Eusebius

Gather the stars and the moon for a spell,
With holly and sard and an umber conch shell.
And sing to the sound of
A bell left unrung.
With a pestle ground love
Till your song is re-sung.

Call on a harlot who’s pale as the moon,
Call on her nightly, but call on her soon.
And while she is weeping,
Take one crystal tear,
And when she is sleeping
One jewel from her ear.

Gather them there near your hearth at the dawn,
Drench them with dew from the grass on the lawn,
And while it is brewing
Like some frothing sea,
You’ll soon then be wooing,
But me, only me!

© February 2014

You will see that the above poem, and the one illustrated by the visual template below, stray occasionally from the specified pattern.
That is what I refer to a creative diddling around, and led me to the name of this form.

This represents a step forward in my poetic growth, as my rigidity is lessened for I realize now that poets always have this license, but can never take a knock for exercising it in competition with this form.

My example poem:

Sweet Apparition     (Trochadiddle)

Watched as the moon and the clouds seem to pose
with stars bunched so closely the Milky Way glows,
with night now becoming
invitingly cool
I heard something coming
up out of the pool.

She's an apparition it seems at first glance
formed with perfection and sure to entrance.
Her eyes are green emeralds
but tinted with blue
her voice sweetly heralds
sweet pleasure, I knew.

"Love me tonight while we're here all alone,
I cannot stay for this form is on loan."
I did I'm believing,
I slaked both our thirst
and she's not now grieving-
relieved of her curse.

© Lawrencealot - February 26, 2014

I call this a Trochadiddle
Long lines begin with a trochee and end with an iamb.

You will note that in line 2, I added an unstressed
Syllable before beginning the pattern - and also added an extra unstressed syllable mid-line,
 as I did elsewhere.  This is the diddling!

So the stressed syllables become
STARS, CLOSE, MILK, GLOWS, as though "with" were on line1.

Visual Template

Friday, March 14, 2014


  • The Bragi is said to be suited for scenic beauty and "the elfin". Created by Thelma Allinder, it became popular through a 1950's publication,Scimitar and Song.

    The Bragi is:
    • stanzaic, written in 2 sixains.
    • syllabic, 6-8-10-10-8-6 10-8-6-6-8-10 syllables per line.
    • rhymed, rhyme scheme abccba cbaabc.

Persimmon by Judi Van Gorder

Soggy leaves decompose
on the winter walkway
that ambles through the stark barren garden.
One lonely Persimmon tree stands discarded
against the sky, leafless array
of dark limbs seem to doze.

Golden orbs appear to hang unguarded,
the dulcet sweet fruit on display
with no one to pose
a threat to dispose.
Left ignored on this frosty day,
bountiful harvest is unregarded.


My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Example Poem

My Template   (Bragi)

In summer I would lose
my shoes, and all the clothes I could.
That meant I never, ever, wore a shirt.
I waded in canals and played in dirt
and had I pup, so times seemed good.
School'd start- then I'd wear shoes.

I can't remember ever being hurt
that i was loved I understood
I did not have to choose
for happy were the views
to which I was exposed and would
in adult life naturally revert.

© Lawrencealot - March 14, 2014

Visual Template

Thursday, March 13, 2014


  • The Cinquetun (spelled Cinquetin in The Study and Writing of Poetry by Wauneta Hackleman) appears to be an invented verse form that is a longer version of the Crapsey Cinquain. It kind of defeats the purpose of the compactness of the original form, but then allows for broader images and an even meter. This verse form was created by E. Ernest Murrell.

    The Cinquetun is:
    • a hexastich, a poem in 6 lines.
    • syllabic, lines of 8-6-10-6-8-2 syllables each.
    • rhymed, rhyme scheme axbaxb, x being unrhymed.

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Example Poem

Example Poem

Why This?     (Cinquetin)

For those who wish to hide their rime
the cinquetin should do.
All twice-removed they share not a line-length.
Asymmetry's no crime
but humans don't consider it
a strength.

© Lawrencealot - March 13, 2013

Visual Template

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Balance

  • The Balance attempts to create an ebb and flow rhythm. The rhythm is created by a specific syllabic designation per line as well as an intricate rhyme scheme. This verse form was created by Viola Berg.

    The Balance is:
    • stanzaic, framed in 4 cinquains. The patterns of the cinquains change from stanza to stanza.
    • syllabic,
      stanza 1 =10-8-6-4-2 syllables.
      stanza 2 =2-4-6-8-10 syllables
      stanza 3 =10-8-6-4-2 syllables
      stanza 4 = 2-4-6-8-10 syllables
    • rhymed, rhyme scheme Abcde edcba abcde edcbA.
    • composed with a refrain, the 1st line of the poem is repeated as the last line.
      Short Balance by Judi Van Gorder

      Centered on the page the words resonate
      with sounds of fingers striking
      the computer keyboard.
      Tapping into
      my muse.

      Good news,
      the verse in due
      time takes shape, strikes a chord
      without inspiration spiking.
      Centered on the page the words resonate.

My Thanks to Judi Van Gorder for the wonderful resource at PMO

My Sample Poem

Fish wrap is Functional    (The Balance)

The paper tells of babies being born,
while businesses are formed and fold,
and folks grow old and die,
while other's kill
or cheat
to beat
other's for thrill
or just because they're high.
The earth's getting too hot or cold;
associations steer and hold in scorn
those men who break from ranks and won't adorn
concepts as right, because they're old.
Opinions satisfy,
candidates will
just tweet
or greet
with smarmy skill
while business goes awry
and we the sheeple, are controlled.
The paper tells of babies being born.

© Lawrencealot - March 7, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Pathways for the Poet by Viola Berg (1977) appears to be a book for educators. Classic poetic forms as well as many invented forms that can be used as teaching tools or exercises for use in workshops or classrooms are included. Some of these invented forms I have found in use in internet poetry communities, a testament to their staying power. On this page I include the syllabic invented forms found therein which appear to be exclusive to the community of educators from whom Ms. Berg drew her support. I have yet to find these in any other source. I have included the metric invented forms on a separate page. Whether classroom exercise or sharpening your skill as a writer, some of these forms can be fun to play with.
  • Baccresiezé is an invented form, apparently created as an exercise in repetition. This verse form has two and a half different refrains. It is attributed to E. Ernest Murell.

    The Baccresiezé is:
    • stanzaic, written in 3 quatrains.
    • syllabic, L1,L2,L3 are 8 syllables and L4 is 4 syllables.
    • refrained, L4 of each quatrain is a refrain and L1 of the first quatrain is repeated as L3 in the 2nd quatrain. The last 4 syllables of L1 are repeated as the last 4 syllables of L2 in the first quatrain only.
    • rhymed, with a complicated rhyme scheme AaxB bxAB xxxB x being unrhymed.
      The Will by by Judi Van Gorder

      ---------------I read of love, undying love,
      what does that mean, undying love?
      A rose withers, a blossom falls,
      --------------- what lives will die.
      Love is a will, a rush, a sigh,
      a touch, a cry, a hope, a rock.
      I read of love, undying love,
      --------------- what lives will die.
      Blush of new love we know must fade
      replaced in time with trust and grace.
      In rest, I will my love remain.
      -------------- What lives will die.

My thanks to Judi Van Gorder for her wonderful PMO resource.

Syllabic 8/8/8/4
Stanzaic Three Quatrains
Larry at 3/5/2014 7:30 PM
Corrected Rhyme Pattern:  AA1xB bxAB xxxB   x being unrhymed

My Sample Poem

And Yet We Lived    (Baccresiezé)

We walked across the hot asphalt
bare feet imprint the hot asphalt
embedding footprints in the road
-----------------when we were boys.

Strange things we found became our toys
and after wading in canals
We walked across the hot asphalt
------------------when we were boys.

We drank from hoses, slept outside,
and rode for miles two on one bike.
We never owned a helmet once
---------------when we were boys.

© Lawrencealot - March 5, 2014

Visual Template