
Thursday, May 23, 2013


The Brevette
The Brevette, created by Emily Romano consists of a subject (noun), verb, and object (noun), in this exact order. The verb should show an ongoing action. This is done by spacing out the letters in the verb. There are only three words in the poem, giving it the title Brevette. 

l e a k s

Each of the three words may have any number of syllables, but it is desireable that the poem have balance in the choice of these words. Unlike haiku, there are no other rules to follow.
Example #1:
r a d i a t e s

r e - c r e a t e s

c h a s e s


This form was inventented by  Amanda J. Norton 

It is syllabic 5/4/5  5/4/5  8/6
Rhyme pattern  aba aba aa
No meter is required.

First Tercet 
line1 : 5 syllables
line2: 4syllables
line3: 5 syllables
Rhyme scheme AbA

Second Tercet 
line1 : 5 syllables
line2: 4syllables
line3: 5 syllables
Rhyme scheme AbA

Line 1: 8 syllables
Line 2: 6 syllables 
Rhyme Scheme  AA 

Must Be Center Aligned 

Visual Template
The meter shown is NOT required.


The Ukiah is frequently referred to as the Reverse Haiku

I figured there was no better source for describing this form than it's Inventor, Robert Ropars, so here it is.

A modest proposal – a new form of poetry the “ukiah”
Posted in On  July 4, 2009 by robertropars.

We who write, and write poetry specifically, know the haiku. A challenging form, it requires the writer to create a poem as follows:

Traditionally, this Japanese form is best done in such a way that it’s an expression of zen. Often nature-based, the haiku could have multiple meanings/interpretations so part of the enjoyment is finding the meaning in this simple elegant form of poetry.

My idea is the opposite of the haiku. I was thinking it should be a “Roparsku” but my lack of ego (and my very wise girlfriend) kept me grounded. So since I’m talking about the opposite, then reversed it would a “Ukiah.” Now searching around online I see some people have played with variations (calling this a “reverse haiku”), but only changed the syllabic construction. I think a true “reversal” would also take into account the rhyme aspect. In addition, this adds an extra level of challenge to the endeavor.

It would be composed of:
•3 lines in length
•lines 1 and 3 contain 7 syllables
•line 2 contains 5 syllables

Haiku example:
Winds blowing lightly
Leaves whispering in the dark
Stars twinkling above

Ukiah example:
Leaves are drifting in the night
The stars are so bright
Shivering I hold you tight

What do you think? Crazy? Stupid? Fun? Challenging? Try it out and leave me your best examples as comments.

There you go folks, you can respond to the poet at the link below.T

Friday, May 17, 2013


The Trinet, created by zion, is a form with these specifications:

Line 1 - 2 words
Line 2 - 2 words
Line 3 - 6 words
Line 4 - 6 words
Line 5 - 2 words
Line 6 - 2 words
Line 7 - 2 words

Repeat this pattern 2 more times, if centered correctly it looks like three crosses.

Rhyme and meter unspecified.

Example Poem

Day at the Marina

Warm sun
kids run
playing excitedly on expanse of green.
Teaching sister how drown wiggly worms.
Folks watch
with smiles
from shade.

Picnic treats
cooler filled
with drinks and potato  salad, ice;
basket holds other things as nice:
Fried chicken
potato chips
yummy dips.

Let's stay
all day
is the kid's refrain. Indefatigable they
remain.  Wish parents were that way.
Having fun
is tiring,
Is'nt it?

© Lawrencealot - May 12, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013


This form was invented by Thomas Horton of Allpoetry.

It's called a RIDOTTO, from the Italian for "reduced."  In a ridotto, you choose a number of syllables for your first line (x).  Your second line should be a perfect rhyming couplet with one more syllable (x+1).  The third line takes on a new rhyme, and has one fewer syllable than the first one (x-1).  Line four rhymes with line 3, and has one fewer syllable (x, or [x-1]+1).  This continues until the poem is reduced to a couplet of one syllable followed by two.

Here's an example:

FIRST KISS  (a ridotto)

The way the soft light broke          ----> (6)
Through the branches of the oak       ----> (7)
Gave the day a glow                   ----> (5)
That you and I would know             ----> (6)
Brought to an end                     ----> (4)
Our time to pretend                   ----> (5)
And we shared                         ----> (3)
Though we were scared                 ----> (4)
Desire                                ----> (2)
Like a fire                           ----> (3)
Rife                                  ----> (1)
With life                             ----> (2)

© Thomas Horton, All Rights Reserved.

You may start with any number of syllables you like; as such, the poem may be of any length, as long was the second line of each rhyming couplet has one more syllable than the first line, and the first line of each subsequent couplet has one fewer syllable than the first line of the previous couplet.

Near rhymes don't count; all end-rhymes should be full/strong/masculine.

I have re-phrased the instructions thus:

1. Pen a line with any number of syllables.
2. For the next line, add one syllable and rhyme with the preceding line.
3. Subtract two syllables and choose a new rhyme word.
4. For the next line, add one syllable and rhyme with the preceding line.

Repeat instructions 1 thru 4 until you compose a two syllable line.

Rhyme pattern  aabbccddee..etc
No metric requirement.

Example Poem


To students I've become a  bore!
Sapience has chilled me to my core.*
Their indifference dismays.
They only seek their peers' okays.
A poem's nothing neat
compared to sexting or tweet.
What set me aglow
they'll never learn or know.
They are not taught
to pursue true thought
A drone's job
will suit the mob.
Oh well
What the hell?
I know?

(c) Lawrencealot - May 15, 2013

Visual Template