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Sunday, March 31, 2013

15-10 Alternating

A poem where 15 syllable stanzas which begin with an anapest foot and having couplet rhyme
alternate with 10 syllable iambic stanzas with cross rhyme.
Rhyme Pattern: aabb cdcd

I first saw this used by Jeff Green but have no ideas if is already a name form/

Example Poem

Constitutional Deficiency

A democracy cannot endure when gimme people learn
that they can persuade their reps to confiscate what others earn.
This was first proclaimed by Tytler, then Alexis de Tocqueville
The right to direct one's earnings is in fact what makes one free.

My liberal friends think as I once did,
that government should cure whatever's wrong.
I recognized my error as a kid.
Someone must pay the piper for his song.

We've had only one elected man at top who truly tried
to impede the juggernaught we've wrought but could not hold the tide.
To defend our nation, use its strength to minimize abuse
are enough, but power wants more growth and leaps to find excuse.

The Tytle Cycle must run its full course.
Our try died not from faulty prior design.
We'll work for masters like the noble horse.
The blame my friends is really yours and mine.

© Lawrencealot - Feb. 7, 2013

Visual Template

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